Do you feel that your life is a chaos right now? Or are there aspects of it which just don't seem to flow?
I guess we all go through stages of chaos and reorganization... that is a natural process of life. What really causes a lot of pain and trouble is either trying to resist chaos or hoping for eternal harmony. Both approaches defy the way of the universe. I must admit that I found myself being VERY good at resisting things, especially things I didn't like or wanted changed. But at some point all the teachings, the countless hours of meditation and my personal experiences hit home. I finally realized that trying to fight, resist and use will power doesn't get me anywhere, because I kept feeling stuck in the same old place.
Whereas there are still things which I resist at first, my resistance level has dropped dramatically and I am very okay with the lessons life has prepared for me. The only approach to living a life of abundance, inner peace, happiness and freedom is to accept what is happening - and recognizing the lesson that comes with it.
Whenever I am face to face with chaos in my life, I remind myself that I must be growing. That is a very important shift of perspective in order to stay in the flow. Eventually, there are only two possible outcomes when it comes to chaos: 1. Chaos gets bigger and bigger until the entire system falls apart or 2. The old system falls apart for a new and better system to come forth. This is a natural process, whereas the first is called physical death and the second evolution. If it's time for us to pass over - aka die - we will die no matter how hard we try to resist it. If however, our purpose isn't fulfilled yet, we will grow stronger. I like to think that I decide when I am going to leave my body. This belief has helped me tremendously to embrace chaos with a sense of awe rather than resistance or fear.
One of my personal growth secrets is releasing. I have literally trained myself to let things go until it became second-nature. Especially when it comes to resisting things, people and situations we don't like, I found one question extremely helpful: Could you welcome your resistance? If you keep asking yourself that question, you'll find that your resistance falls away naturally or better put your natural way starts shining through.
alanya turkiet
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