In one of his intriguing presentations, James A. Ray talks about parallel universes. Now, this might sound a bit strange at first, but it has an immediate relevance for life itself. So bear with me! James mentioned four ground-breaking scientific discoveries, one of which is the Multiple or Many Worlds Theory.
This theory is based on the fact that two atoms can occupy the same space at the same time. In other words, this means for instance that there are different versions of you unfolding simultaneously to your life experience on Earth (if here on Earth you might be struggling financially, another version of you is a multi-millionaire at the same time!)
Now, that is quite something, isn't it? But it gets even better.
Today we know mathematically that there must be at least 11 other parallel universes or dimensions. The Many Worlds Theory suggests that it is by means of our awareness that we choose one of the most likely unlimited number of worlds, or realities. That means that we decide (though most of us non-consciously) whether we want to be healthy or ill, wealthy or poor, in a harmonious or strenuous relationship – I am choosing the polar opposites to get the point across.
I am aware, that for some this might be hard to swallow, but this theory opens many new doors and brings unparalleled opportunities.
If we are able to move from one scenario to another merely by shifting our awareness, our destiny only lies in our own two hands. The only challenge to easily shifting from one world to another are unconscious programs, thoughts and feeling which glue us to a specific dimension - a particular version of you – and therefore need to be transcended.
Luckily there are many ways of uncovering such hidden programs. A great way is to write down your thoughts and feelings about a certain situation or person and mark all negative statements to later exchange them with positive ones. These positive statements give us a new road map. Once this process is completed, it's essential to step in the role of the observer to being able to stop the repetition of negative thoughts and fill in more resourceful ones. This approach definitely works, but it will take some time to implement, since our mind isn't exactly thrilled to open the door to the non-conscious mind thus releasing emotional baggage. But there is a simple trick:
Crossing your arms and legs will open the door to the non-conscious mind.
Tiller points out that higher dimensions are governed by different physical laws than the ones we encounter in our four-dimensional level of existence (or what most people commonly refer to as reality). Whereas we are dealing with an increase in entropy (a natural tendency for things to fall into disarray), in higher dimensional realms we find negative entropy (reorganisation).
Now, by interacting with the spectrum of the Reconnective Healing frequencies, what might be happening is that our focus is shifted from A to B, A and B being two different realities, such as disease and health. Through the reconnection of strings it seems to be much easier for us to become aware of our multi-dimensional nature helping us to use it for our own benefits. Which dimension are you ready to explore?
Did you have any experiences with parallel universes? I am looking forward to your comments!
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